Saturday, 8 October 2011

'Dear Taliban, I forgive you': Father writes note to insurgents after his son is crippled by road-side bomb

A father whose son had both his legs blown off by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan is penning a letter of forgiveness to the Taliban - 14 years after his older son was killed fighting in Bosnia. 

Ian Wilson, who lost his son Stuart, 19, in 1997, is using an Army translator to write a message to insurgents to leave at the spot where his son James almost died. 

Known as 'Jimmer' the Royal Engineers soldier, who was on his first tour, was trying to defuse the explosive when it blew up last week leaving him with life-changing injuries.

The 29-year-old was airlifted to Camp Bastion for emergency treatment before being flown back to Britain.  More


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