Dr Afram and Dr Salem talk about their experiences in rural West Virginia
The city of Logan in West Virginia has just 1,779 citizens.
The nearest large city, Charleston, is an hour away, via winding roads
through the Appalachian mountains. Logan is surrounded by rural land,
and is in an area which has lost half its population since the 1950s.
It's a far cry from just about anything that would attract an affluent doctor from overseas. And yet they come.
Just 232 doctors per 100,000 residents work in the state of West Virginia. One neighbouring state has more than 400. More
Many rural areas in the
US suffer from a shortage of doctors. Unable to attract Americans, they
have turned to foreign-born physicians.
It's a far cry from just about anything that would attract an affluent doctor from overseas. And yet they come.
Just 232 doctors per 100,000 residents work in the state of West Virginia. One neighbouring state has more than 400. More
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