Monday, 10 October 2011

Hunt for archaic office down to finalists

Small businesses across Auckland have shared their horror stories and spoken out about their daily struggles with ancient computers.

After sifting through and whittling down the entries, six workplaces are now in the running for a $25,000 IT makeover from Dell.

A second-rate set-up can cause big delays - something the competition's entrants attest to.

Homevision Blinds' Raewyn Moston said their systems "are ancient and archaic" and an upgrade would allow more integration between the company's sites at Glenfield and East Tamaki.

"We're going to try to link the offices ... as it is, one person actually takes the backup each night over to East Tamaki and loads it on the system, so they're always behind us."

Coffee roaster and merchant Mark Hillis said his company had 21st century ideas but was "using technology from the Middle Ages".

"We've been working really hard trying to integrate everything ... but our system's not quite up to standard," he said. "It would be far better to have a central system."   Continue


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