Sunday, 2 October 2011

Millions of people to become expendable next year

Millions of people to become expendable next year. 45499.jpegThe experts of the International Labor Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predict that next year a number of developed and developing countries will face mass unemployment and "catastrophic shortage" of jobs. In the alarmist report, the experts urge the countries to take drastic measures to combat unemployment.

Since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008, developing and developed countries lost 20 million jobs. By the end of next year additional 20 million jobs could be lost. According to some experts, the number of unemployed worldwide has reached 200 million.
 The current pace of employment growth in the leading countries is inadequate. In the Group of Twenty the increase is approximately 1% per year, while there is need for it to be at least 1.3% in the next four years.   Read More


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