Wednesday, 5 October 2011

N.W.T. plane crash survivors in stable condition

The two passengers who survived a plane crash near Lutselk'e, N.W.T., are in stable condition in an Edmonton hospital, while the names of the two people who died have not yet been released.

Air Tindi confirmed the survivors of Tuesday's crash are both getting treatment in an Edmonton hospital.
"Our spirits are buoyed by the news of their condition and we wish them a total and speedy recovery," said Air Tindi president Chuck Parker in a release.

Cathy Menard, chief coroner of the Northwest Territories, said the bodies of the two people who died are still at the crash site.

"We can't release names of people that have deceased as we haven't done identification … and we can't until they return to Yellowknife," said Menard.    Read Here


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