Sunday, 9 October 2011

The bottom line is, they're the ultimate over-achievers

How did the Wallabies do it? How did they overcome having only 24 per cent of the territory and 44 per cent possession to keep the Springboks out? How did they make the World Cup semi-finals when they really had only one chance to score in last night's epic and memorable encounter?

How? Simple. Through sheer determination, courage, incredible will power and enormous belief. Australian rugby has a history, a reputation for getting so much out of so little, using every little bit of its limited resources to repeatedly overcome those who are overflowing in riches. It's happened time and time again when poor, undernourished Australian teams have beaten countries that have rugby as their prime winter outlet, rather than one of four football codes dividing the ranks. It's that Wallabies spirit that keeps them being such a fascinating beast, the ultimate over-achievers.  More


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