Sunday, 9 October 2011

Saffron son battles executors over inheritance as existence of half-brother emerges

ALAN SAFFRON, the only legitimate child of the notorious crime figure Abe Saffron, blames his father's promiscuity for cheating him out of inheriting the late underworld boss's estate and he is taking legal action in an attempt to get a larger slice.

Mr Saffron received what he claims was the ''manifestly inadequate'' sum of $500,000 when the bulk of his father's $20 million, plus a Rolls-Royce each, went to his half sister Melissa and his father's mistress Teresa Tkaczyk.

But as the 63-year-old battles the executors of his father's will in the NSW Supreme Court, another child born out of wedlock has emerged, as reported in the Sun-Herald yesterday. It was only after a recent meeting with Ms Tkaczyk, also 63, that Adam Brand, 37, a north Queensland chef, received what he said was ''the definitive piece of evidence'' to prove Abe Saffron is his father.  More


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