Monday, 3 October 2011

Clear evidence of ISI hand in Rabbani murder: Kabul

Tensions mounted between Afghanistan and Pakistan over the weekend with Kabul claiming the plot to kill Afghan High Peace Council chairman Burhanuddin Rabbani was hatched east of the Durand Line. Already bristling under American accusations, Islamabad was quick to retort with Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani asking Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai to refrain from indulging in a “blame game'' and doubting Pakistan's commitment to peace in the region. 

Though the two countries have been at odds with each other since the beginning of summer over cross-border incursions, Islamabad and Kabul had maintained the semblance of bonhomie through frequent contacts that sought to bury past differences and build a new “brotherly'' bond. That however has come under great strain since Rabbani's assassination with reports from Kabul suggesting that Afghanistan is reconsidering its relationship with Islamabad in the wake of the recent spate of attacks.    Read Here


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