Monday, 3 October 2011

Foxy goes free: Amanda Knox breaks down with joy and relief as her four-year ordeal ends as murder conviction is sensationally overturned

Amanda Knox was sensationally released from prison this evening after an appeal court overturned her murder conviction - sparking chaotic scenes as her family erupted with joy.

There were screams in court as Knox, 24, burst into tears and hugged her parents Curt and Edda Mellas - as just feet away the family of Meredith Kercher could only look on in amazement.

The American has served four years of a 26-year prison sentence after being found guilty in 2009 of the brutal sex murder of Meredith, 21, who was found semi naked with her throat cut in her bedroom of the house she shared in Perugia, Italy.   Read Here


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