Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Eating in virtuous circles

Determined to ward off competition from smaller fast food burger joints such as In-N-Out and Fatburger slinging cooked-to-order and even organic patties, McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger King have all recently introduced new pimped-up burgers to their menus. Burger King's latest California Whopper, for instance, comes topped with ripe tomatoes and guacamole, in a move widely interpreted as an attempt to recast its food as fresh and, erm, healthy.

This isn't some panicked response to losing significant market share - in the US, the "better burger chains", with a mere 3% of the market, are still a tiny gnat nipping at the rump of a huge bull. Nonetheless, the major US chains like to close down any threat, no matter how small, as quickly and decisively as they can.  Read More


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