Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Recipes for a curate's egg

Yesterday was a day for dodgy recipes. First came the crisp tortilla, a bizarre creation from Ferran AdriĆ 's otherwise relatively sane new cookbook, which involves bunging a bag of potato chips into an omelette as an alternative to bothering to actually cook potatoes. A tweak of a traditional Spanish technique it may be, but as our own Felicity Cloake found out, the perfect omelette it is not.

More baffling, no, more sickening, was the appearance of Jean-Christophe Novelli's latest Orangina-based (cough, funded) attempt to encourage us Brits to stop being so boring – an Orangina and smoked salmon timbale. Food writer Xanthe Clay, whose children were left traumatised after eating it, described it on Twitter as the "love child of a 70s buffet and a 70s airline dessert ... Odd" and in a subsequent blogpost as "mesmerizingly nasty".   More Read


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