Sunday, 9 October 2011

Ex-Beatle McCartney says "I Do" for third time

By Mike Collett-White

LONDON (Reuters) - Former Beatle Paul McCartney married for the third time on Sunday, exchanging vows with American heiress Nancy Shevell at the same London register office where he wed his first wife Linda in 1969.

The beaming couple emerged from the grey-stone Old Marylebone Town Hall to confetti and cheers from dozens of fans who had waited hours to catch a glimpse of the music legend and his new wife.

Shevell, 51, wore a knee-length, long-sleeved white dress which reports said was designed by McCartney's fashion designer daughter Stella.

The bride also had a white decoration in her hair and carried a small posy of flowers, while McCartney wore a dark suit and light blue tie.

Despite his huge wealth as a key singer and songwriter for the world's most successful pop band, 69-year-old

McCartney chose a modest civil ceremony before a small group of family and friends.  Continue


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