Sunday, 9 October 2011

'Pakistan, Afghanistan, US should work together against terrorism'

ISLAMABAD: US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Marc Grossman has underlined the need for Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States (US) to work together against terrorism.

In an interview with Tolo TV in Kabul, Ambassador Grossman said the number of Pakistani civilians, who have been killed in terrorist attacks, is just enormous as 19,000 of them have died since 2003.

He said, "Extremism and terrorism is a threat to Pakistan, and it's a threat to Afghanistan, and it's a threat to the United States. We ought to, all three of our countries, be able to work together to try to deal with this problem."

He said one of the things that were happening between Pakistan and the United States was that both were trying to have a conversation about how to get interests shared and then act on them together.  More Read


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