Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Masked bank robber caught on CCTV holding a sawn-off shotgun to bank customer's head

A gunman has been jailed after a string of terrifying robberies in which he threatened people with a sawn off shotgun and stole a van and nearly £50,000.

Trevor Hayes put the firearm to two people's heads in raids on a bank and a post office in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

He also threatened two motorists on separate occasions, taking a van belonging to one of them.

Like a scene from a crime movie, Hayes can be seen on CCTV violently pushing open the door to the bank before marching straight to customer Benjamin Pullen wearing a cap and a red jacket.   Read Here


Anonymous said...

As much as possible, we don’t want incidents like this to happen. It is terrifying to be in this kind of situation. Unfortunately, we can’t anticipate crimes. It usually happens when we least expect it. This is the reason why a security system is very vital for every home and establishment. Burglars would hesitate to enter a property if they know that there are gadgets, which can trigger alarms or signals to alert the owners and the police as well.

Guy Cheadle

Fernando said...

Man, this guy is scary. Good thing he’s already in jail and he didn’t seriously injure anyone. Thanks to those CCTV cameras, everything that happens can be seen and recorded, which is very important in identifying criminals.

Fernando Severns

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