Sunday, 9 October 2011

Protests over barrack closures

Minister for Defence Alan Shatter said today that no final decision had been made regarding the closure of army barracks.

His comments come after about a thousand people protested in Mullingar this weekend over fears that Columb Barracks may be closed as part of the government’s efforts to save money.

Speaking on RTÉ radio today Mr Shatter admitted that closures were "an issue that would have to be addressed."

Army wives and families say they are fighting the battle of their lives to stop their garrison town from becoming a ghost town if their local barracks is closed.

Clodagh Graham, whose husband is in the Lebanon on his sixth tour of duty, said the IMF would see through the closure of the barracks on purported cost-saving grounds.

It as “a paper exercise” and an “affront to the intelligence of the community of Mullingar and Ireland,” she said on behalf of the families of 200 soldiers and 120 reservists whose presence contributes about €8million to the local economy.   More Read


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