Wednesday, 5 October 2011

They won't be eating curry in a hurry! Participants in 'world's hottest chilli-eating contest' left writhing on the floor as two are hospitalised

Hot stuff: Competitors take part in Edinburgh restaurant Kismot's curry-eating challenge on Saturday. Some people started writhing on the floor in agony, vomited and fainted
A curry house is under fire after its 'world's hottest chilli' competition landed two people in hospital.

Competitors who had entered Edinburgh restaurant Kismot's curry-eating challenge started writhing on the floor in agony, vomiting and fainting.

One customer, Curie Kim - whose first name is pronounced 'curry' - was so unwell after sampling the 'Kismot Killer' dish that she had to be taken by ambulance to hospital twice in a few hours suffering from stomach pains, vomiting and acid indigestion.  More


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